📝From the desk of Alice Smith (The Wellness Genius):
About Alice Smith aka The Wellness Genius

Natural Living by Design Co-Owner and EVP 🧂 🏭 Personal Branding Specialist🎯 Adventurer🏄 Health & Wellness🍎 Network Marketer💻 Leadership & Development📚
The Kitchen Table CEO, Kim Hodous and Alice Smith at Crystal Gardens.
Who is Alice?
Alice K. Smith, also known as, The Wellness Genius, is Co-Owner and Executive Vice-President of Natural Living by Design II, LLC an authentic Himalayan Salt Supplier in the City of Detroit.
Alice has been Entrepreneurial minded since 1993 and haven't looked back.
I grew up in a single family household with my mom and brother. We moved a lot, considering we weren't Army Brats (Lol)🤣 I stop counting after move #38. I attended college for one year and studied: Finance & Entrepreneurship, surprisingly, I made the Dean's List without trying, but due to a family crisis, I had to drop out.☹️
As an adult child of an alcoholic, Alice grew up in a dysfunctional family, not wanting to be like her father, the total opposite was the result, she grew to be a very positive person, full of energy and life! Since then, she has experienced her share of living in abundance to having the bottom fall out from under her feet. Resilience, Fortitude, Strength, Courage, Boldness and Patience are what characterize her as a woman in business.
Alice is a Woman on Fire🔥 Sharing her personal and business journey along the way of triumphs, defeats, strengths and weaknesses. She is dependable, reliable, honest, confident, diversified, positive, resilient, a motivator, strategic thinker and visionary. Her broad array of skills helps her to facilitate strong customer relationships, promote leadership and development to individuals, direct, plan and coordinate operational matters. Alice is highly energized, focused and driven to accomplish every goal(s) she sets her mind to do. Because of her health challenges, she is dedicated to the Health and Wellness Industry and strives to improve her own health as well as others who will listen. We can't help the aging process...but we can grow older gracefully, with a better quality of life - one day at a time.
📖My Story: Adversity Has Value
My Lack of Career Focus
A few of my Career Directions.
* I worked in Banking Industry (Foreign Exchange; Trust Operations).
* I worked as a Bus Driver (City Transit & School).
* I worked as a Butcher in a Meat Processing Plant.
* I worked in Commercial Cleaning.
* I worked in Day Care as a Driver.
* I worked in Direct Sales.
* I worked as a Distributor in the Health & Wellness Industry.
* I worked as a Full-Charge Bookkeeper in an Electrical Co.
* I worked as an Ice Cream Truck Driver (summer job)
* I worked in the Mortgage Industry as a Loan Officer; Processor.
* I worked in the Network Marketing Industry.
* I worked in the Radio Station doing Payroll.
* I worked as a Secretary in a Construction Co.
* I worked as a Telemarketer (the only job I hated).
* I worked as a Travel Agent Specialist.
* I worked as a Truck Driver catering food for the airlines.
My Lack of Educational Focus...
Here's a summary of my formal education: I studied Finance and Business Management, Entrepreneurial Classes...what happened? I had to drop out due to a family crisis.
My First Defining Moment...
I was put out at the age of 17. I was involuntarily told to leave the nest because of differences with my step father, fortunately, I had a vehicle and a job, I stayed with my granny until I got my first place. I didn't make the best decisions due to my young age...married to soon and baby too soon. It took the death (murder) of my father for me to realize the value of saying "I Love You" to your loved ones and making sure you say it before it's too late. Life is short! After the news of his death, the first thought that came to me was that I never got a chance to tell him that I love him. That haunted me for many years, in addition to the fact that he was murdered with a "meat cleaver" something I choose not to have in my kitchen, the memory is too painful.
I lost my father three days after my 23rd date of birth, he was only 42 yrs old. This put into perspective how valuable life is and how important it is to say that you love a person while they are alive, because when they die, it's too late to say it. (a real valuable lesson for me)
My First Professional J.O.B. (just over broke)
First 5-10 yrs: "If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life" I enjoyed every job I had except telemarketing, I was never stressed out because of work. I made it work for me, and had fun along the way.
*Banking: Registered Interest Check for bond holders, Complete access to Vault with millions of dollars in Bearer Bonds,Trust Operations, handled Family Estates; Irrevocable Living Trusts Funds. Never a dull moment in banking it's not just for "Tellers."
After quitting my Telemarketing job, I got into Foreclosures. I learned everything from Carlton Sheets - a self paced video series in the Real Estate Arena. My niche was (FSBO)
For Sale By Owner's. I had a knack for finding the "sellers" and working with a Mortgage Company, I was able to find "Buyers" for the people or connect those in "foreclosure" to see if they had enough equity to get a refi loan on the property. I'd go to the Court House to find those individuals in distress (some I could help others walked away) Those that stayed were happy to see me - doing all I could to save a person's home - what a rewarding experience.
Mortgages: Loan Officer/Processor - collecting all pertinent information related to obtaining a first time buyer home mortgage loan, refinance or home equity loans. Pulled credit reports, ordered title work, appraisals, inspections and insurance. Scheduled closings
*Transportation: Obtained CDL BP with air brake and passenger endorsement, Red Cross CPR Certified, Continuing Education Certified; Eaton Center Skill Certified I drove City Transit Bus and School Bus, Ice Cream Truck (seasonal) Catering Truck for Airlines loading carts with crew and passenger meals, beverages; snacks for outbound flights. I almost went to school for A&P Mechanic (Air frame & Power Plant Mechanic) Airplane Mechanic but the schedule conflicted spending quality time with my son, so I sacrificed career over motherhood. I worked my jobs around my sons. That was important to me, being a single parent. They are only children once...when it's gone, it's never coming back and you can't make up for it either. Enjoy all the moments you can with your little ones, for they will be grown before you know it.
(My Sons)
Fernandez & Lorenzo
My Rock Bottom...
Negativity mounted from loved one to the point that I made a move some 800+ miles from my home state of Michigan and didn't care to tell my family when I moved to Hope Mills, NC. I was adjusting well for about a year...when I got news the my grandmother passed away (my name sake: Grandma Alice) I became down hearted and again, made bad decisions which led me to prematurely quitting my job and ultimately losing my home,and had my car repossessed. So I sold all my belongings, bought a "hoopty" car and moved with a new-found friend until I could get back on my feet.
My Second Defining Moment...
In order to get housing faster, I volunteered to go to a homeless shelter, they had the resources to help me and my son quicker than staying with friends. Within 3 weeks they found me a place on an Indian Reservation in Maxton, NC (Lol)😃 I was glad to get it too! It was home sweet home. I eventually found full-time work as a Butcher in one of the world's largest meat processing factories (mind you I'm a vegetarian working in a "piggy plant") Hey, it paid the bills, months later, I moved into a 3 BR 2 BA home.
My Third Defining Moment...
I was on my way to the Maxton post-office, driving along a one lane Hwy on Route NC 71, we got our first snow and I hit a patch of "black ice" that slid my vehicle in the opposite lane of traffic and all I saw was the Grill of a Mack Truck getting ready to hit me head on...all I could do is Scream God's Name Jehovah (Ps 83:18) I just knew I was about to be killed head on by an 18 wheel truck. (Mind you there was no shoulder on this road just a white line and trees) By the grace of God, that truck moved out my way!!! I knew that was a blessing that we didn't die that day. My 18 month old son was in the back seat and I had left my 13 yr old son at home: Lesson I learned...don't assume you are coming right back, unforseen occurrences can happen and you never make it back home. This is the day I became a "scary bird" scared of driving after that, especially if it was wet pavement. I would have flashbacks and panic attacks every time I closed my eyes so my driving days were only on sunny days (Lol)😃 I went from Fearless to Fearful and it took a long time for me to get over this traumatic experience in my life!
My Fourth Defining Moment...
Six months later, I remarried and moved back to Michigan, there I worked with mortgages with my brother - I knew the foreclosure end of business and my brother knew the front end of mortgages in securing the finances for a home and the processes in between. Together, we were the Dynamic Duo (Lol)😃thus, I found my passion... helping people get approved for their very first home and providing vacations as their housewarming gift. Everything was going wonderful, business was booming! And then... the subprime market crashed thus creating an economic downturn and 2008 was the year of financial collapse! Around that time my back started acting up again, this time with a vengeance. It has always given me problems, since my fall in 1996, but this time it was a whole lot different. I encountered a series of problems in addition to health challenges that rendered me incapacitated for 18 months. My condition kept getting worse. I finally surrendered and went to my doctor and saw two specialists. It was suggested to get surgery, but that wasn't an option for me. So, I started doing research to find if there were alternatives to surgery. I found that there was a non-invasive way of decompressing the spine without surgery. I opted for the latter instead.
Breaking Through a Striking Point...
In my computer and on-line marketing struggles, I found Marc LaLonde, founder of Branding Youniversity. This was the beginning to the end of my struggles. I was the most frustrated bird on-line, I didn't have a techy bone in my body (lol) 😃 simple things overwhelmed me. I spent countless dollars trying to find the short-cuts. subscribed to any and everything that could help me understand internet marketing..after many headaches, tears and wasted funds, Marc shows up, in the form of a Sunday Webinar, at first it was too much! I wasn't ready for what he was teaching, so I took a year off everything, including social media. Now, I'm ripe for the picking! I'm Ready! An old adage: "when the student is ready the teacher will appear." Indeed he has, and I've been attentive ever since. Class after Class, I'm learning, growing and developing into a more poised, confidant and skillful woman that I ever thought possible. Since taking these courses, I have created two blogs and a school with two courses in it, plus an 8 wk course I'm creating the outline for right now. How exciting it is to be able to get on the computer and not freak out, to be able to build a website, add pics, audio, video and content - I've come a long way! Invaluable skill-sets! What you are seeing and reading now is what I've learned from my online classes.
Fifth Defining Moment...
My final defining moment is my online journey...from baby boomer to a skilled, savvy marketer, who has learned how to brand herself through a revolutionary technique called Octo-Content Model. Through this technique, I'm able to release weekly content and post to eight different social media platforms including Sound Cloud, iTunes; Alexa (for Podcasting) with everything pointing to my website blog for unique visitors that I'm excited to help serve them. And now, I'm creating my first ever: Brand Resume' (A successful Personal Brand along with an advanced online marketing skills, is the answer to Limitless Success!) Produce Weekly Value Videos in specific niches and publish online. Get content in front of folks! Build your Audience! Promote training products to them (works in any niche) You + Passion = Leader. Create success stories for them! Help thousands in the process. I'm a Woman on Fire!!!
Where I Stand Today...
I finally found the key to online marketing with the courses that I now have the re-sell rights too. I'm looking forward to launching my personal brand: The Wellness Genius, with the goal of reaching people and changing lives, one person at a time.
My Gift To You...
"I am always in the right place at the right time meeting the right people"
"If I don't feel like doing it, then...I MUST DO IT NOW!!!"
"Press your way"
"There are 3 types of people:
Those who Make things happen
Those who Watch things happen
Those who Wonder what happen"
How Can Alice Help You?
The most common question that people have for me is...
Q) What exactly do you do and how can you help me?
A) I personally help people Attract Online Business Leads for THEIR Home Businesses
Regardless of whether you are a stay at home mom, or in the process of (thinking about) starting your own Home Business, I'm here to make sure that Customers, FIND, FOLLOW and CONTACT YOU online.
I am learning to Master the Art of Online Marketing and Personal Branding for "Qualified" people (that are interested in what I have to offer) CONTACTING ME every single day.
Now, I teach others to get the same results for THEIR Businesses.
Q) Why Online Marketing and Personal Branding (for Wealth) AND Health & Wellness (for Health), instead of just focusing on ONE thing?
A) When Sir Richard Branson was asked what daily habit contributed the most to his financial success, he answered: "Working Out!"
That's his number ONE...and it makes perfect sense.
Without going into details here, when you pay attention to your health, not only will you live a Longer and more Pleasurable Life, but you will Function Better (physically and mentally).
I've been in Health & Wellness for over 11 years and could not agree more with Mr. Branson.
As a matter of fact, you will notice when you skip your morning workout, you don't "Tackle" your day in the same "Go-Getter" fashion as you would if you DO work out.
A wise person once said..."Learn by watching me" I feel it only makes sense to share timely wisdom and knowledge along the way on your path to GREATNESS.