Do you have habits that hold you back from experiencing the successful life you deserve? Your habit may be as small as biting your nails or buying expensive lattes ☕every day. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you may wish to break free of smoking, 🚬 extreme anger,😤 excessive eating,🐷 or other detrimental habits.
There is hope. You can rid yourself of the habits that hold you back.
Use the tips below to help you put an end to that pesky practice once and for all:
1. Determine why you should stop. 🛑 Think about how your habit hurts you and others. Does it harm your health? Diminish your appearance? Put a dent in your pocketbook? Does it make you act irrationally? Does it hurt your loved ones? Create a list of benefits that you'll experience when you put an end to this habit once and for all.

• If you lack a compelling reason to stop, chances are you'll be less willing to work towards quitting. Find a reason to halt the progression of your habit and hammer 🔨 that thought into your mind each time you feel compelled to continue with it. Some may lack the desire or the will-power to stop, rest assured there is help. #NaturalLivingbyDesign has an herbal solution that may pique your interest. Milk Thistle Seed Extract* has been known to assist the liver and protect it against toxic damage from alcohol, drug abuse as well as poisons and environmental toxins.

Milk Thistle
The healing force properties of Milk Thistle is in its seed. It's very effective for fatty degeneration, poisoning and congestion of the liver. Helps detoxify and regenerate the liver by flushing the gallbladder.
Benefits of using Milk Thistle:
Gallbladder & Liver Cleaner
Great source of selenium
Encourages healthy cells
Overturn alcohol and drug abuse
Milk Thistle (aka Cnicus lanceolata) Available in 1oz and 2oz sizes

💲hop Now at: www.naturallivingbydesign.com
2. Dangle a carrot. Naturally, when there is a direct reward at the end of your pursuit, you're more inclined to give a wholehearted effort. Indulge in a trip to the spa, a new pair of jeans or a trip to your favorite restaurant each time you reach a large milestone.
• Ensure that your reward is irrelevant to your habit. If you're trying to quit smoking,🚭 it's detrimental to reward yourself with a cigarette 🚬at the end of each week for "being good."
• Save the biggest rewards for last. What do you want the most? What's something you've wished you could purchase or experience for a long time? Spend the time you would normally spend indulging in your habit to plan your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.🌈
• The reward should be in line with the complexity of your task. Rewarding🥇 yourself with a cruise 🚢to the Bahamas 🏝️ because you've stopped biting your nails is a bit of a stretch. However, rewarding yourself with a massage at the spa 🧘is more fitting.
3. Read success stories. 👍Purchase a book 📚or browse the web 💻to read success stories of those that have previously been in your shoes and conquered the same habit.
• Seeing social proof that others have been able to achieve the task you're facing makes the pursuit seem more manageable.
4. Small steps. Focus on only one small step each week to ensure long lasting results. For example, if you're trying to lose weight, eliminate sweets 🧁from your diet for the first week. The next week eliminate other carbohydrates, like white bread,🍞 in addition to the sweets.
• Slow and steady really does win the race. Crash diets don't work, and quitting anything cold often leads to compensatory behavior. In turn, this will halt 🛑 your progress and you'll have to start at step one all over again.😞
• Create measurable goals. If you're trying to minimize your spending, 💸 determine the average amount you spend each week in unnecessary purchases. Then set a goal to reduce that amount by 10% for the first week.
Habits provide a level of comfort that everything in your world 🌎 is okay. They give you a feeling of control over your circumstances. However, a dependency on a routine that has negative consequences to your physical and mental health can be replaced by choices that fuel ⛽ your success. Remember that you are the boss of your mind, body, and soul. Embark on the road to kicking your bad habit today and prove to yourself just how strong 💪 you can be! #BreakingBad #KickTheHabit #NoSmoking #NoDrugs #JustSayNo #YouCan #ChooseWisely
#GoodHealthStartsInside #HealthyLiving #LiveLife #LiveWell
*Disclaimer: These herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.
📝About Alice Smith aka The Wellness Genius
Natural Living by Design Co-Owner and EVP 🧂 🏭 Personal Branding Specialist🎯 Adventurer🏄 Health & Wellness🍎 Network Marketer💻 Leadership & Development📚

The Kitchen Table CEO, Kim Hodous and Alice Smith at Crystal Gardens.
📖My Story: Adversity Has Value
Alice K. Smith, also known as, The Wellness Genius, is Co-Owner and Executive Vice-President of Natural Living by Design II, LLC an authentic Himalayan Salt Supplier in the City of Detroit.
Alice has been Entrepreneurial minded since 1993 and hasn't looked back.
She grew up in a single family household with my mom and brother. She moved a lot, considering they weren't Army Brats (Lol)🤣 She stopped counting after move #38. She attended college for one year and studied: Finance & Entrepreneurship, surprisingly, made the Dean's List without trying, but due to a family crisis, she had to drop out.☹️
As an adult child of an alcoholic, Alice grew up in a dysfunctional family, not wanting to be like her father, the total opposite was the result, she grew to be a very positive person, full of energy and life! Since then, she has experienced her share of living in abundance to having the bottom fall out from under her feet. Resilience, Fortitude, Strength, Courage, Boldness and Patience are what characterize her as a woman in business.
Alice is a Woman on Fire🔥 Sharing her personal and business journey along the way of triumphs, defeats, strengths and weaknesses. She is dependable, reliable, honest, confident, diversified, positive, resilient, a motivator, strategic thinker and visionary. Her broad array of skills helps her to facilitate strong customer relationships, promote leadership and development to individuals, direct, plan and coordinate operational matters. Alice is highly energized, focused and driven to accomplish every goal(s) she sets her mind to do. Because of her health challenges, she is dedicated to the Health and Wellness Industry and strives to improve her own health as well as others who will listen. We can't help the aging process...but we can grow older gracefully, with a better quality of life - one day at a time.