Here are some helpful tips to notice when you're self-sabotaging your efforts to lose weight.
If you can identify with this list, then remember: "Progress...Not Perfection."
Sabotage: You deprive yourself of enjoyable foods, then give in and overeat them.

Antidote: The issue of ‘forbidden fruit’ applies here. Stop labeling foods as good or bad. Eat food you enjoy in small quantities. Otherwise, you will crave the foods you deprive yourself of and binge on them later.

Sabotage: You give in and eat the high-fat foods that your family eats.

Antidote: Clean up the diet of the whole family by decreasing the fat in the foods everyone likes. Another tip: Put leftovers in the fridge or freezer before you eat to prevent seconds.

Sabotage: You skip breakfast.
Antidote: Develop some fast and easy breakfast meals. Protein bars or shakes may be a good substitute, but skipping breakfast is a set up for overeating later in the day or eating unhealthy, fast foods for a pick-me-up.

Sabotage: You give in at parties and restaurants.

Antidote: Share an entrée and dessert with your partner, or order a salad for starters and have a cappuccino for your third course. Opt for meals cooked using low-fat methods such as grilling or stir-frying.

Sabotage: You weight yourself several times a day.
Antidote: Limit weighing yourself to once a week at the same time of day. Weight fluctuates by several pounds some days. Pay attention to how your clothes fit and use a tape measure to monitor inches lost.

Sabotage: You eat while working, reading the newspaper or watching television.
Antidote: Eating on the run lessens your satisfaction with food. Make a commitment to doing nothing else while eating. Focus on your food and savor the moment.

Sabotage: You get frustrated when you don't lose weight, and give up.
Antidote: Make ‘slow and steady’ your diet mantra. One to two pounds per week is recommended for long-term weight loss.

(Adapted from Weight Watchers, Stopping Self-Sabotage)
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*Disclaimer: This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
📝About Alice Smith aka The Wellness Genius
Natural Living by Design Co-Owner and EVP 🧂 🏭 Personal Branding Specialist🎯 Adventurer🏄 Health & Wellness🍎 Network Marketer💻 Leadership & Development📚

The Kitchen Table CEO, Kim Hodous and Alice Smith at Crystal Gardens.
📖My Story: Adversity Has Value
Alice K. Smith, also known as, The Wellness Genius, is Co-Owner and Executive Vice-President of Natural Living by Design II, LLC an authentic Himalayan Salt Supplier in the City of Detroit.
Alice has been Entrepreneurial minded since 1993 and hasn't looked back.
She grew up in a single family household with my mom and brother. She moved a lot, considering they weren't Army Brats (Lol)🤣 She stopped counting after move #38. She attended college for one year and studied: Finance & Entrepreneurship, surprisingly, made the Dean's List without trying, but due to a family crisis, she had to drop out.☹️
As an adult child of an alcoholic, Alice grew up in a dysfunctional family, not wanting to be like her father, the total opposite was the result, she grew to be a very positive person, full of energy and life! Since then, she has experienced her share of living in abundance to having the bottom fall out from under her feet. Resilience, Fortitude, Strength, Courage, Boldness and Patience are what characterize her as a woman in business.
Alice is a Woman on Fire🔥 Sharing her personal and business journey along the way of triumphs, defeats, strengths and weaknesses. She is dependable, reliable, honest, confident, diversified, positive, resilient, a motivator, strategic thinker and visionary. Her broad array of skills helps her to facilitate strong customer relationships, promote leadership and development to individuals, direct, plan and coordinate operational matters. Alice is highly energized, focused and driven to accomplish every goal(s) she sets her mind to do. Because of her health challenges, she is dedicated to the Health and Wellness🍎 Industry and strives to improve her own health as well as others who will listen. We can't help the aging process...but we can grow older gracefully, with a better quality of life - one day at a time.